Huwebes, Enero 8, 2015

Foods That May Found In The Philippines

First Lets Go To Camiguin Island


Coming from a food trip in Malaybalay, Bukidnon, we decide to swing by Camiguin—the smallest province in Northern Mindanao. A short ferry crossing is all it takes and we’re there.

From Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon we drive to Balingoan Pier where cargo boats take people to Benoni Port in Camiguin, an island composed of merely five towns—Mambajao (the capital town), Mahinog, Guinsiliban, Sagay, and Catarman.

By the time we arrive in Camiguin, it is nearing lunchtime and we are ready to eat. Craving the fresh stuff, we ask locals for recommendations. This leads us to J and A Fishpen Resort and Restaurant at the Taguines Lagoon, just a short drive from the port. In cottages set on stilts in the water, there are wooden tables and chairs for dining kamayan-style. Square fish pens of about 12 feet long by 12 feet wide hold different kinds of fish that make up the menu. Diners choose, and have it cooked by the kitchen staff however they like. A huge fish called mamsa (jackfish) can be had for P350 a kilo. “Puwede po yang orderin ‘sutokil’,” says Malou Señara, a restaurant staffer. She then explains that a large fish like that can be served three ways—“sugba (grilled), tola (as tinola or soup), and kilaw (ceviche).”

While waiting for our orders to be served (chili crabs, their specialty, and the ginormous fish), we snoop in the kitchen through a screened window. An assortment of fresh seafoods are being prepared by the cooks. A woman arrives carrying a shallow basket containing fresh, humongous prawns. We are tempted to add these to our order.

After we have our fill of a delicious lunch, we take a drive to our resort. Driving through the winding roads with steep, rocky mountains on the left and the blue-green ocean water on the right, we realize quickly that the whole island is more of a diver’s haven than beachcomber’s. The miles and miles of sandy beaches I was expecting to see are nowhere in sight.

While most cityfolk hardly have as much as a square inch of vacant space behind their houses, in Camiguin we pass by residents lounging in their backyard taking their afternoon siesta. With the front of the house facing the paved road, their backyard faces the wide space of the ocean, with the cool breeze lulling them to sleep. Life here is wonderfully slow and relaxed.

Now Lets Go To Palawan

Sip the Most Expensive Soup in the World. Almost every tourist who visited the Underground River would notice those small birds flying in and out of the cave; they are actually “balinsasayaw.” Their nest is made up of their saliva and locals gather their nest because of its value. Class A bird’s nest could reach up to Php100,000/kilo. Why not try it at Balinsasayaw Chicken Grill at Rizal Ave. If you want to learn more about this soup, look for Kim, their Food & Beverage manager who is more than willing to explain the benefits of this soup. (Price: PhP300 good for 4 persons)

Get Worm-ed. When kids develop big round stomachs physicians suggest deworming. But when adults land on Palawan, locals suggest worms- the tamilok or woodworm is a local delicacy found on dead mangroves. Yes it’s slimy and a little bit fishy but I think you should try it. Kinabuch’s offer this on a very cheap price, pair it with some booze. (PhP115 good for 3, not including beer)

Suran, best when grilled
Eat some Unicorn (Spotted unicorn fish). I’ve been to a lot of wet markets in the Philippines but Puerto Princesa’s market still amazes me because of the colourful display of fish and shells found in the seafood section. I still remember my sister, Kit, taking some photos of orange, blue, red and violet-colored fish. Because you’re already in the market, try looking for the suran (spotted unicorn fish)- it’s my favorite grilled fish ever! Then ask your local restaurant to grill it for you- just pay for the service. Balinsasayaw Restaurant allows this. Its tender, juicy white meat is love. The best part is meat in the head. Go try it. (Price: Php100-150/kilo)
No other merienda but Chaolong and French Bread. When I’m in town I always look for these two. The best French bread is found in front of Palawan National High school (near Mendoza Park) and the perfect pair would be Chaolong from Chaolong house (beside Mang Inasal) which is just walking distance from where you bought your French bread. (Price range: Php75 for both the Chaolong and French bread).
Chaolong- rice noodles with beef stew top with mint leaves and monggo sprouts

Now For The End Surigao Del Sur

SURIGAO del Sur is known for its fresh seafoods and scenic beaches, and one of the best places to experience great fresh bounty of the seas with an amazing scenic view is but in the town of Cantilan in a seafood restaurant known as Chanlac.
Located at the edge of the town’s old fish port, Chanlac (as it is popularly called) is just the place for a cool, soothing, laid-back seafood meal with a view of Cantilan River’s mouth going toward Lanuza Bay. Here, you will have the amazing gastronomic experience and fill of fresh fish and crustaceans that you will never find in the big cities.
Sizzling adobong pusit

For someone living in the city, eating fresh-caught seafood is a rarity, especially when it’s cooked in the traditional way.
Simply be taken away by the mouth-watering experience with a variety of fish, shrimps, shells, squid, and crabs cooked in different style – from the traditional Tinola, Kinilaw or Kilawin, and grilled to a unique twist of spicy sizzling meal. Whatever your preference will be – I’m certain it will be a worthwhile experience for the appetite.
Aside from the eating experience, you will enjoy the scenic view and the fresh soft ocean wind blowing through your hair while you savor your meal.
If you’re seating beside the window, try to take a peek at the waters below and you’ll see fish of different shapes and sizes swimming underneath the restaurant. At other times, you’ll get to see fresh fish and other marine delicacies being delivered from fishing boats arriving at the nearby fish port.
Lapu-Lapu fish fresh meat
Through the years with its fresh traditional seafood preparation, the restaurant has earned its loyal patrons, which include diners from out of town and from abroad. And just like all the other customers, I’m sure I’ll be back for more of the rich sumptuous meal at Chanlac.
Saang at Chanlac

Chanlac Sea Food Restaurant is located at Embarcadero Mini Wharf in Barangay Linintian, Cantilan, Surigao del Sur.

That's All Thank You So Much

Linggo, Disyembre 14, 2014

Places That You Must Not Forget In The Philippines

Beautiful Places 
That Can't Be Forget

Now I Will Tell You How Unforgettable Is The Philippines

First Let's Go To Camiguin

Camiguin Island
As an island of varied ecosystem, Camiguin's uniqueness lies in its varied terrain, pristine natural environment and rustic setting. Camiguin is one of the Philippines's most beautiful islands - a virtual paradise - as the island allows visitors to experience a sample of untouched beauty in its entirety. Locked in the eternal embrace of the sea, CAMIGUIN continues its simple existence sheltered from and unfazed by the virulent pressures of today's accelerated lifestyles.

Tourist Attractions That Can Be Found In Camiguin Are In Below
1. Old Ruins of San Roque Church, Convent and Belfry in Gui-ob, Bonbon, Catarman
These are the testimonials and bits and pieces of the eruption of Old Vulcan Daan in 1871 that wiped out the illustrious town of Catarman. It is a monument with thick century-old walls, belfry and convent which stand reminiscent of the second Spanish settlement established in 1697.

2. Sunken Cemetery
A large white cross marks a cemetery swept into the sea by Old Vulcan Daan's eruption in 1871. From here it is a perfect place to watch the wonderful sunset over the ocean. It is also an ideal place for snorkeling and diving. An annual fluvial procession is held by townsfolk in honor of the sunken graves of their forefathers and as a thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest.

3. Old Sto. Rosario Church of 1882 now restored to its former glory in Sagay, Camiguin

4. Via Cruzes - Old Volcano Slope

It is where life-size statues representing the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ - the 14 Stations of the Cross that dot a trail to Old Volcano's peak are found. At the last station is a tomb carefully carved and chiseled out of volcanic rocks. The pilgrims gather together here to pray during Lenten Season.

5. Ancestral House in Los Libertadores St., Mambajao now dwelled by the Francisco Family and built in 1800's

6. Centennial House in Lakas, Mambajao owned by Corrales Family and built in 1800's

7. Katibawasan Falls
A beautiful, clear stream of water cascading 70 meters into a rock pool surrounded by ground orchids, wild ferns, trees and boulders. Its cold water provides a refreshing summer splash to all vacationers.

8. Tuasan Falls
The approach to the wild and mighty falls entails a very scenic hike passing through the quaint Barrio of Mainit, Catarman and along the Rocky River bed. The pool below the deafening waterfalls is deep and clear. The surrounding scenery is virgin and perfect for a peaceful picnic. The only sound you hear is that of the tumbling falls and running water. It is 6 kilometers northwest of Catarman proper.

9. Binangawan Falls
In Sagay is Binangawan Falls wherefrom several miniature and gigantic waterfalls gushing through majestic granite stones that converge in one main pool, covered with luscious unspoiled vegetation, and a mystical rainbow are arched by the fall's mist as the sunlight break in through it.

10. Ardent Hot Spring

In the heart of the island bubbles this mineral pool with water around 400C. Vapor rises from the heated waters that run down the vents of the dormant Hibok-Hibok volcano. The springs are ideal to bathe in at night surrounded by cool mountain air. It has therapeutic effects. Picnic huts and tables are available in the beautifully landscaped gardens and there is a restaurant on site. It is 6 kilometers southwest of Mambajao.

11. Macao Cold Spring
It is a spring of natural cold and blue-green waters that overflow with grandeur, perfect to appease and quench one's humid feeling. It is situated at Tupsan Pequiño, Mahinog.

12. Sto. Niño Cold Spring

A spring located 4 kilometers north uphill of Catarman proper. It has a terrific huge pool of cold spring water measuring 25m x 40m sprouting from sandy bottom. The area has native stores, picnic huts and toilets for visitors and guests. It is located 4 kilometers north of central Catarman.

13. Tangub Hot Spring

It is a volcanic hot spring not fully developed a little beneath sea level where a pool is formed by sea stones and corals. Water temperature shifts from cold to lukewarm to warm then to hot as tide changes. Submerge in the warm water inside the pool at low tide and enjoy the cold sea water merging with the hot spring. This rare spring is situated at Naasag, Mambajao - about 12 kilometers west of the capital town; 10-20 meters offshore is ideal for scuba diving.

14. Mt. Hibok-Hibok

Its approach is via the base of Barangay Tagdo in Mambajao. It is a volcano 1250 meters high above sea level. Its slopes are challenges/barriers for professional climbers as they trek skillfully and maneuvers on loose rocks and boulders towards the peak. At the zenith, there is a crater like lake and steam outlets where one can have a clear panoramic view of the entire island and the Bohol Province during sunny clear days.

15. Old Volcano

A volcano located 13 kilometers away from Mambajao with stiff drop off measuring 7,080 meters high above sea level. It is the landmark for PANAAD.

16. Mt. Ilihan

It is located at Butay, Guinsiliban and a 3-hour climb uphill. There, one can see bluish green ridge of mountains and majestic slopes as he recites his Stations of the Cross, especially on Lenten Season. One can experience a sense of relief when reaching the top with its cool mountain breeze. Its splendid beauty is very touching. At the pinnacle, climbers can peacefully camp and take pleasure in unbothered world.

17. White Island

An isolated white sandbar where the view of towering Mt. Hibok-Hibok and Old Volcan reflects the sumptuousness the Province of Camiguin has ever achieved. It is reached within 10 minutes through light water transport from anywhere in Yumbing, Mambajao area.

18. Mantigue Island

The island is 4 hectares of evergreen forest, fringed with white granule sand beaches. A fishing village is found in the north of the island. One side of the island is a white sand beach with coral offshore, and the other opposite side provides a deep drop-off for snorkeling and diving. One gets there by light water craft in 25-30 minutes from San Roque, Mahinog.

19. Jicdup Shoal (Dive Spot)

It lies approximately 2 nautical miles from the shore of Balbagon, Mambajao. The seabed rises forming a shoal about 10 hectares in size hosting a variety of aquatic life. It is one of the best dive spots in Camiguin Island teeming with fishes of different species and shapes/sizes. It has excellent visibility and is best for underwater photographs, and novice divers.

20. Burias Shoal (Dive Spot)

Slightly smaller than Jicdup, Burias is among the favorite spot for high adventure seeking divers. It hauls the thrill seeking divers to the shoal to see schools of jacks, tuna, mackerels and barracudas. A verdant black coral covered bottom is also one of its treasures. Diving here can be strong, however, the little effort spent fining against the current is worth the excitement.

21. Taguines Lagoon

It is a lagoon mantled by limpid water, located at Benoni, Mahinog, with large cliff and gently rolling hills. The brackish water is engulfed in there by a century old crater, ideal for boat and fishing.

22. Centennial Tree

A Pili Nut tree which is more than century old situated at Lakas, Mambajao owned by the Corrales Family. One can marvel how the tree survived the tests of the times as he sees and touches its huge trunk.

Then Let's Go To Palawan


Palawan, which is north of Borneo, is called the 'last frontier' and consists of 1700 islands, the main being 400km long and relatively narrow. It is a place of outstanding natural beauty with virgin mountain jungle and unspoilt deserted islands. Northern Palawan has been designated for low density tourism by the Philippine Government. Much of the NW sea is a maritime park set aside to allow tourist to enjoy the coral, deserted islands and spectacular scenery. Compared with the rest of the Philippines, Palawan is sparsely populated away from its capital, Puerto Princesa, although recent migration is changing this aspect.

Tourist Attractions That Can 
Be Seen Only In Palawan

1. Barracuda Lake

Barracuda Lake
Location: Northern part of Coron Island, Palawan, Philippines
Barracuda Lake in the Coron Bay is an interesting and unusual diving spot in Palawan. The lake is declared as one of the world’s natural and beautiful sanctuaries and is referred as the “craziest dive site in the Philippines”. It is located at the top of a volcano crater that offers a dreamy scenery with blue-turquoise waters, surrounded by limestone cliffs.

2. Big Lagoon

Big Lagoon
Location: El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
The Big Lagoon in El Nido is a breeding haven for fishes and crutasceans. It is set on the middle of karst limestone formations with crystal clear waters.

3. Caluit Island Wildlife Sanctuary

Caluit Island Wildlife Sanctuary
Location: Calauit Island, Palawan, Philippines
Situated on the Busuanga Island in the province of Palawan, the Caluit Island Wildlife Sanctuary is home to a variety of exotic, indigenous and marine animals. Among these are the Bushbucks, Elands, Giraffes, Impalas, Calamian Deer, Mouse Deer, Palawan Peacock Pheasant, Dugong, Sea turtles and Giant clam. This part of the island is made up of undulating topography with narrow coastal plains, widespread grasslands and low ranges of hills.

4. Coron Bay

Coron Bay
Location: Coron, Busuanga, Palawan, Palawan, Philippines
Popular among divers around the world, the Coron Bay in Palawan boasts of fabulous wreck diving spots in the world. History says that US fighter aircraft and dive bombers have sunk 24 vessels from Japan in this area. Some of these wrecks have now been discovered. Aside from the wrecks, the corals in the area are quite exceptional and shouldn’t be missed.

5. El Nido Marine Reserve Park

El Nido Marine Reserve Park
Location: El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Occupying a total of 96,000 hectares, the El Nido Marine Reserve Park is a premiere tourist destination that boasts of rain forest, mangroves, white sand beaches, coral reefs, and limestone cliffs. Its divers Eco-system creates a breathtaking and fascinating natural scenery that will surely enchant tourists.

6. Entalula Island

Entalula Island
Location: Bacuit Bay, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
The Entalula Island is a private beach where tourists from Lagen and Miniloc can reserve in for dinner or lunch. Filled with water activities, the beach at the Entalula Island is fringed with white sand, some with rich coral and fish populations at forty to sixty feet.

7. Honda Bay

Honda Bay
Location: Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
One of Palawan’s beautiful tourist destination is the Honda Bay in Puerto Princesa. It is surrounded with several islets with shallow reefs and wonderful beaches. Aside from the terrific opportunities of diving in the area, the bay is the perfect place for lounging around on its sand.

8. Kayangan Lake

Kayangan Lake
Location: Palawan, Philippines
Lake Kayangan is nestled on top of a mountain. For tourists visiting this place, a 10-minute steep climb is required. After this, you will be rewarded with a breathtaking view and crystal-clear waters. The lake Kayangan has been awarded as the cleanest lake in Asia.

9. Palawan Crocodile Farm

Palawan Crocodile Farm
Location: Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
The Palawan Crocodile Farm is a conservation center that breeds Palawan’s crocodiles, some of which are saltwater species and others which live in freshwater only. The center provides some interesting and educational experience for its guests.

10. Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park
Location: Puerto Princesa, Palawan 5300, Philippines
One of the most distinguished protected areas in the Philippines and awarded as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature, the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is Palawan’s most popular attraction. Featuring a karst mountain landscape with an 8.2 km long underground river that flows directly to the sea, the Underground River provides a unique nature experience that tourists visiting Palawan shouldn’t miss.

11. Secret Lagoon Beach

Secret Lagoon Beach
Location: El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Separated into two by limestone cliffs, the Secret Lagoon Beach is an interesting island in El Nido. A secret lagoon is hidden on one side while the second is comprised with gorgeous stretch of fine, white sand beach. Access to the lagoon is through a small opening.

12. Small Lagoon

Small Lagoon
Location: El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
The Small Lagoon is another must-see attraction in El Nido with its orchid-lined limestone walls and bountiful marine life. With its tranquil turquoise-green waters, the Small Lagoon is a favorite destination for tourists visiting El Nido.

13. The Immaculate Conception Church

The Immaculate Conception Church
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines
Serving as a dedication to the Patron Saint of Palawan, the The Immaculate Conception Church is one of the tourist attractions in Puerto Princesa. Its astounding architecture, with angular structures and well preserved edifice from a century back had made it a worthy place to visit.

14. Tubbataha Reef Marine Park

Tubbataha Reef Marine Park
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park is an atoll coral reef that includes 130,028 ha, including the North and South Reefs. It has a very high density of marine species with pristine coral reefs, extensive lagoons and two coral islands. The area was a nominee at the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

15. Ugong Rock

Ugong Rock
Location: Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
Puerto Princesa’s Ugong Rock is another promising tourist destination in Palawan. A trip to Ugong Rock is guaranteed to be as exciting as any travel destination with its unique combination of caving, climbing and zip line. The rock formation stands like a pedestal that offers a 360 degree of view of lush green fields and mountains.
Now Let's Go To Our Best Place Surigao Del Sur

Surigao Del Sur
Surigao Del Sur holds a lot of beautiful and breath-taking tourist spots,that’s why many foreign and local tourist are mesmerized to visit this place. Especially now that the government of Surigao Del Sur are planning to broaden the tourism industry to continue the arrival of tourism and also to enhance the economy.              
Tourist Attraction That You Must Not Forget In Surigao Del Sur       

Station of the Cross  located at Kabiton-an, Brgy. Consuelo, Cantilan, this place is really ideal to those who want to reflect on how the Lord Almighty sacrificed himself to save mankind. It is a climb uphill with a chapel atop the mountain partly overlooking the majestic Pacific Ocean. Praying in every station is not just healthy for the soul but for ones physical health considering that the last station and the chapel is located hundreds of feet above sea level. 

Immaculate Conception Parish  One of the best designed Catholic Churches in the country. It is located at the heart of Cantilan. Beside it is a remnant of an old church constructed in the 1700s which was converted into a park. 

Old Tribunal Building  it is the old tribunal of Cantilan built in 1879 which was now converted into a Municipal Hall of Cantilangnons. 

Municipal Park of Cantilan  it is where you can see the 21/2 meter cannon with 130 cm. in diameter placed as historic relic. It is one of the 100 cannons brought from Jolo and Borneo by the natives of Cantilan during the Spanish regime as a tool against Muslim pirates. 

Shrine of World War II Heroes  it is where the names of the Cantilan heroes were engraved. 


Adhika Beach  located in Barangay Habag in the Municipality of Lanuza. It is a privately-owned beach resort with cottages and rest house for visitors who will rest overnight (RON). 

Barcelona Beach it is a unique black sand beach with picnic huts located just 30 minutes away by pumpboat from Mangagoy, Bislig City. 

Baucawe Beach and Winding Road  it is a beach resort situated in Lianga. The winding road leading to the beach serves as its unique attraction. 

Cagwait White Beach  it is a U-shaped beach with powdery white sand and a wind swept sea with crystal clear water baptized by the famous pilot Charles Lindberg as the Waikiki Beach of the Philippines. This is the site of the annual Kaliguan Festival. It is a 40-minute ride from the capital town of Tandag. 

Dapdap Beach  located in Dapdap, in the Municipality of Barobo. 

Mahayag Beach  situated just 8 kilometers north from the capital town of Tandag. Mahayag is a coastline purok of Barangay Buenavista. The beach resort is one end of the cove occupying about a hectare in area. The place is ideal for holding seminars or family reunions. One can idle the time away by boating, fishing or swimming on the man-made pools at the sea. 

Tandag Beach located right in the capital town of Tandag, it is guaranteed to enchant all beach lovers with its grey sand and crystal clear waters. It is a nature lovers paradise, a promised adventure for snorkels and diving enthusiasts. 


Campamento Cave  Located in Silop, Gamuton in the municipality of Lanuza 

Hercules Wall Located in San Jose in Bislig City, it is a 2-3 meters wide passage in between solid high rocks, stones and other natural grown trees in the area. 

Pagbutuanan Cave located in Brgy. Wakat, Barobo. 

Tagbina Cave Located underneath a rocky mountain where the Municipal Hall of Tagbina town is perched, overlooking the expanse of territory comprising the jurisdiction of the town. The portal of the cave is visibly seen as one goes uphill on the concrete road leading to the Town Hall. The cave has long been in existence as one product of nature and has been a haven for birds and other forms of life that dwell in labyrinth-like places. 
Other caves are the San Isidro Cave and the Km. 3 Cave both located in Bislig City. 


Balinganga Falls  it is located in the communal forest of Barangay Cancavan in Carmen streamlining the verdant and sprawling mountain. It is unique in CARCANMADCARLAN considering that one could only and truly enjoy the cool and refreshing crystal clear water and see the splendor and awesome beauty of nature after a breathtaking trek. 

Bao-bao Falls  it is located in Lianga. Once developed, kayaking is the ideal activity at this beautiful and challenging clear water. The site offers a natural splendor of an unspoiled environment. 

Busay de Mabuhay Falls located in Barangay San Roque in San Miguel. It is like a pitcher-full of water poured over a cup-like place where very deep, cool fresh water invites one to take a swim. Located in the midst of the jungle, this waterfall offers a mini cave underneath the flowing water that can accommodate 3 to 4 persons. 

Tinuy-an Falls  located in Barangay Borboanan in Bislig City. It is known to be the little Niagara Falls. It signifies the multi-layered river bed of stones skillfully crafted by the Unseen Hands. Tinuy-an is the widest waterfall in the entire Mindanao. It is a 3-tiered waterfall in the middle of a thick forest. It is like a 4-storey building with the expanse of a cathedral and a pool in the bottom, the size of a football field. 

Magkawas Falls  located in the Municipality of Lanuza. A five-minute hike from the national highway is an eco-destination that offers a gradual accelerando of natures beauty. This wonderful falls makes one irresistible to take a refreshing dip. 

Sipangpang Falls  located in Barangay Cabangahan in the municipality of Cantilan. A hydro-power potential considering its waterfall cascading from a height of 22 meters. 

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